The Bavarian State Library owns a multi-volume armorial made somewhere in what is now Italy in the middle of the 16th century. It's shelfmarked as Codices inconographici 266 through 280, and the library has very generously scanned the pages and uploaded the images to its website. The armorial is divided into sections headed with the names of 25 cities, and the section on Milan includes several pages of civic arms labeled with the names of more places. This index points to place names from both contexts.
The tables below also include names for most of these places taken from one or more of three 16th-century maps:
Some of the place names in the armorial are Latinized, to one degree or another. I hope the names from Castaldo's and Septala's maps (which are, so far as I can tell, not) will help you identify those. The names from Braun's book are in Latin, but I thought they might be of interest, anyway.
I've also given the modern English names of those places I could identify and the regions in which they are found, to make persona research easier for anyone picking a "home" from this list.
Please note: Quite a number of surnames derived from place names are among those found in the armorial. Some (like "DEL MILANESE" and "DA CASCINA") incorporate prepositions and/or adjectival endings and some (like "PARMA" and "NOVATE") have lost such designations and are indistinguishable from the place names themselves. In either case, they are included in my index to surnames, but not here. Only those place names presented as place names appear in this article.
Sometimes, especially if you're not an expert in a relevant field, a secondary source is more helpful in research than a primary source. This is not one of those times. This index contains little in the way of additional facts and its source material is readily accessible. I strongly recommend that you consult the original material before drawing any conclusions, and that if you choose to use one of the names in a submission to the S.C.A. College of Arms you use the manuscript scans, not this index, as your supporting documentation. After all, I might have gotten something wrong.
Initially, "V" and "U" were variant forms of the same letter. By the 16th century, some writers had begun to use the "V" form only where a consonant was wanted and the "U" form only where it a vowel was, but that pattern is not evident in this armorial. The "V" form is always used. The maps I've cited also use "V" in the upper case, but always use "u" in the lower.
At first, "I" and "J" were variant forms of the same letter. By the 16th century, some writers had begun to use the "I" form only where a vowel was wanted and the "J" form only where a consonant was, but the scribes of this armorial were not among them. The "I" form is always used.
Almost every "s" in the middle of a word on either of the maps I've cited is a long "s". (This is a variant form of the letter, often confused by modern readers with an Italicized "f".) I've used a short "s" (the sort typically used today) in my transcriptions.
The overline is a siglum used in many medieval and Renaissance texts to say, "You already know what letter comes after this one, so I'm going to save a little space by not bothering to write it down." In the documents I've cited here, the missing letter appears always to be an "N". In my transcriptions, I've used macrons (over uppercase vowels) and tildes (over lowercase letters) to represent overlines.
In the armorial a symbol like a double comma is used to indicate a word continued on the next line (much as we might use a hyphen). In the maps, a mark similar to a colon is used for the same purpose. I have re-joined words that use either symbol without marking them in the index.
name in armorial | manuscript, folio | name on Castaldo's map | modern English name | modern region |
ANCONA | BSB Cod.icon 274, folio 214r | Ancona | Ancona | Marche |
AREZZO | BSB Cod.icon 278, folio 161r | Arezo | Arezzo | Tuscany |
BONONIA | BSB Cod.icon 274, folio 149r | Bologna | Bologna | Emilia-Romagna |
BORGHO ASANSIPOLCRO | BSB Cod.icon 278, folio 190r | Borgo S. Sepolchro | Sansepolcro | Tuscany |
CORTONA | BSB Cod.icon 278, folio 180r | Cortona | Cortona | Tuscany |
FERRARIA | BSB Cod.icon 275, folio 34r | Ferrara | Ferrara | Emilia-Romagna |
FLORENTIA | BSB Cod.icon 277, folio 1r | Fiorenza | Florence | Tuscany |
GENVA | BSB Cod.icon 279, folio 78r | Genua | Genoa | Liguria |
LVCA | BSB Cod.icon 278, folios 1r, 2r | Luca | Lucca | Tuscany |
MANTVA | BSB Cod.icon 274, folio 96r | Mãtua | Mantua | Lombardy |
MEDIOLANVM | BSB Cod.icon 270, folio 2r | Milano | Milan | Lombardy |
NAPOLI | BSB Cod.icon 279, folio 1r | Napoli | Naples | Campania |
PADVA | BSB Cod.icon 275, folio 2r | Padua | Padua | Veneto |
PERVGIA | BSB Cod.icon 274, folio 255r | Perugia | Perugia | Umbria |
PESARO | BSB Cod.icon 275, folio 61r | Pesaro | Pesaro | Marche |
PISA | BSB Cod.icon 278, folio 69r | Pisa | Pisa | Tuscany |
PISTOIA | BSB Cod.icon 278, folio 99r | Pistogia | Pistoia | Tuscany |
ROMA | BSB Cod.icon 268, folios 1r, 2r, 3r, 4r | Roma | Rome | Lazio |
SIENA | BSB Cod.icon 278, folio 27r | Siena | Siena | Tuscany |
VENETIA | BSB Cod.icon 271, folio 3r; 274, folio 1r; 275, folio 1r | Venetia | Venice | Veneto |
VERONA | BSB Cod.icon 276, folio 1r | Verona | Verona | Veneto |
VICENZA | BSB Cod.icon 276, folio 66r | Vicenza | Vicenza | Veneto |
VITERBO | BSB Cod.icon 268, folio 112ar | Viterbo | Viterbo | Lazio |
VOLTERRA | BSB Cod.icon 278, folio 126r | Volterra | Volterra | Tuscany |
VRBIN | BSB Cod.icon 274, folio 242ar | Vrbino | Urbino | Marche |
BSB Cod.icon 270 is the volume of the armorial that contains arms associated with Milan. It includes several pages of civic arms. The Bavarian State Library index to the manuscript describes folios 7r through 10r as showing the arms of various cities in northern Italy, folios 11r through 21r as showing those of municipalities in the Contado of Milan, and folios 22r through 23r as showing those of gates of the city of Milan.
name in armorial | folio | name on Septala's map | name on Castaldo's map | modern English name | modern region |
ARONA | 10r | Arona | Arona | Arona | Piedmont |
ASTIS | 10r | ASTE | Aste | Asti | Piedmont |
BOBIVM | 8r | Bobio | Bobbio | Emilia-Romagna | |
BONONIA | 10r | Bologna | Bologna | Emilia-Romagna | |
COMVM | 7r | COMO | Como | Como | Lombardy |
IANVA | 7r | Genua | Genua | Genoa | Liguria |
LAVDA | 8r | LODE | Lodi | Lodi | Lombardy |
LECHO | 9r | LECCO | Leco | Lecco | Lombardy |
LISANDRIA | 9r | ALEXANDRIA | Alexandria | Alessandria | Piedmont |
NOVARIA | 8r | NOVARA | Nouara | Novara | Piedmont |
PAPIA | 7r | PAVIA | Pauia | Pavia | Lombardy |
PARMA | 8r | PARMA | Parma | Parma | Emilia-Romagna |
PATAVIVM | 9r | Padua | Padua | Veneto | |
SAVONA | 7r | Sauona | Sauona | Savona | Liguria |
VERONA | 10r | Verona | Verona | Veneto | |
VINTIMILIA | 9r | Vintimiglia | Vintimiglia | Ventimiglia | Liguria |
A question mark after a name means I'm not sure it actually refers to the same place named in the armorial; it's just the closest thing I could find.
name in armorial | folio | name on Septala's map | name on Castaldo's map | modern English name | modern region |
ANGERIA | 19r | Angiera | Angiara | Angera | Lombardy |
BASIGVANA | 20r | Basignana | Baßignana | Bassignana | Piedmont |
BASSIANIVA | 18r | Bassano ? | There are a few in and near Lombardy. | ||
BERGAMO | 14r | BERGAMO | Bergamo | Bergamo | Lombardy |
BIRANZONA | 11r | Bianzone | Lombardy | ||
BRIXIA | 12r | BRESSA | Breßa | Brescia | Lombardy |
CANOBIO | 15r | Canobio | Canobio | Cannobio | Piedmont |
CARAVAZIO | 14r | Carauazo | Caravaggio | Lombardy | |
CASTELLO NOVO | 19r | C. Noua | C. Nouo | Castelnuovo | There are several in and near Lombardy. |
CASTILLONE | 12r | Castiglion | Castelleone | Lombardy | |
CHREMONA | 12r | CREMONA | Cremona | Cremona | Lombardy |
CONATA | 11r | ||||
CVRVELLA | 17r | ||||
DONDOSOLA | 16r | Domodossola | Piedmont | ||
FARONA | 18r | ||||
LOCHARNVM | 13r | Locarno | Locarne | Locarno | Locarno District, Switzerland (just north of Lombardy) |
MANDELLO | 16r | Mandelo | Mandello del Lario | Lombardy | |
MAROSTIA | 20r | Marostoga ? | Marostica ? | Veneto | |
MARTINĒGO | 15r | Martinengo | Martinengo | Martinengo | Lombardy |
MELEGNANO | 14r | Marignan | Melegnano | Lombardy | |
MELZVM | 21r | Melzo | Melzo | Lombardy | |
MODVĒZIA | 21r | Modena | Modena | Emilia-Romagna | |
MOZZANIGA | 11r | Mosaniga | Mozzanica | Lombardy | |
PLASENTIA | 14r | PIACENSA | Piazensa | Piacenza | Emilia-Romagna |
PONTICORONO | 17r | P. Curona | Pontecurone | Piedmont | |
PONTREMOLO | 17r | Pontremulo | Pontremoli | Pontremoli | Tuscany |
PROLEZA | 13r | Proliza | Porlezza | Lombardy | |
RIOLO | 20r | Rimola ? | Riolo Terme ? | Emilia-Romagna (But there are other Riolos near Lombardy.) | |
RIPALTA | 16r | Ripalto | Ripalta | Lombardy | |
ROMAGNANO | 18r | Romagnan | Romagnan | Romagnano | There are a few in and near Lombardy. |
ROBVSCHO | 19r | ||||
S. COLVBANVS (but with the first V overlined) | 19r | S.Colõban | S.Colõbã | San Colombano | There are several in and near Lombardy. |
S. DONINVS | 17r | Bor[go] S.Donino | San Donnino | There are a few in and near Lombardy. | |
SONZINVM | 15r | Sonzi | Soncin | Soncino | Lombardy |
TERTONA | 13r | TERTONA | Tortona | Tortona | Piedmont |
TRIVILINVM | 13r | Triuiola | Treviglio | Lombardy | |
VALENTIA | 12r | Valenza | Valenza | Piedmont | |
VARECIVM | 18r | Varese | Varese | Lombardy | |
VARENA | 20r | Varena | Varena | Trentino-Alto Adige | |
VIGVINVM | 15r | Vigleuano | Vigeuen | Vigevano | Lombardy |
VOGERIA | 11r | Vogera | Vogera | Voghera | Lombardy |
VOLTOLINA | 16r | VAL TELINA | Valtellina | Lombardy |
Braun's map shows the positions of all the gates listed in the armorial along with two others, Porta Tonsa and Porta Ludeuicha ("Porta Tonsa" and "Porta Ludovica" in modern English).
name in the armorial | folio | name on Braun's map | modern English spelling |
PORTA CVMANA | 23r | Porta Comana | Porta Comasina |
PORTA NOVA | 22r | Porta Noua | Porta Nuova |
PORTA ORIĒTALIS | 22r | Porta Orientale | Porta Orientale |
PORTA ROMANA | 22r | Porta Romana | Porta Romana |
PORTA TESIESA | 23r | Porta Tiernesa | Porta Ticinese |
PORTA VERCELINA | 23r | Porat Vercellina | Porta Vercellina |
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