- A or Ad, to, vnto, also from.
- Circa about, concerning.
- Cóntra or Cóntro, against.
- Dà, from, from of. Alſo to, or vnto.
- Dè, of, of the.
- Dì, of, of the.
- Fin', or fino, vntill.
- Infin, or infíno, vntill.
- Inſin, or inſino.
- In, in or into.
- Inuer, or Inuerſo, towards.
- Frà, amongst or between.
- Infrà, amongst. Alſo vnder.
- Intrà, between or amongst.
- Né, Ne', In, or In the, or Into.
- Oltra, or Oltre, ouer, beyond.
- Per, for, by, or through.
- Sin', or Síno, vntill.
- Sópra, ouer.
- Sór, ouer, or ſur.
- Sótto, vnder.
- Súper, ouer, aboue.
- Ver, or Verſo, towards.
- Trá, betweene or among.
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or neuer uſed alone.
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