NOte that there is no part of ſpeech more neceſſary to be truly knowen of him that learneth Italian, then the Articles, forſomuch as without them no man can perfectly diſtinguiſh of genders, which are two, Maſculine and Feminine; of numbers, which are alſo two, Singular and Plurall; and of Caſes, which are ſixe; Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accuſative, Vocative, and Ablative; and no language hath ſo frequent vſe of them, as the Italian, I have therefore ſet them downe, and how they are to be declined and vſed. The articles are in number ſeuen: five of the Maſculine, and two of the Feminine genders. Of the fiue Maſculine, two are of the Singular, and three of the Plurall number. Of the two Feminine, one is of the Singular, and one of the Plurall number.
The fiue articles of the Maſculine gender are.
Masculine Singular |
Masculine Plurall |
Masculine Singular |
Masculine Plurall |
Masculine Plurall |
Feminine Singular |
Feminine Plurall |
in Engliſh | |
Nominative | il. | i. | ló. | gli. | li. | la. | le. | the. |
Genitive | dél. | déi, de'. | déllo. | dégli. | délli. | délla. | délle. | of the. |
Dative | al. | ai, a'. | állo. | ágli. | álli. | álla. | álle. | to the. |
Accusative | il. | i. | ló. | gli. | li. | la. | le. | the. |
Vocative | ô. | ó. | ó. | ó. | ò. | ó. | ó. | oh the. |
Ablative | dal. | dái, da'. | dállo. | dágli. | dálli. | dálla. | dálle. | from, of, or by the. |
All which haue but one in Engliſh and that is, The; which ſerueth for both genders and numbers; for you ſay, the man, the men, the woman, and the women.