I Will not ſtand vpon the definition of an Adiectiue, but in briefe, An Adiectiue is but a part of ſpeech, to ſignifie and ſet forth the true quality, nature, ſtate, or condition of any ſubſtantiue.
Note that the Italians haue two ſorts of Adiectiues, one ending in O, in the ſingular number, the other in E. the firſt doth euer varie according to the ſubſtantiue whereunto it is ioyned, as thus, Buóno amíco. Buoni amíci. Buóna amíca. Buóne amíche, and ſo of all the rest. The ſecond ending in E. as it were neutrally ſerueth both genders, and varieth only in number, as thus, Gentíle Spirito. Gentíli Spíriti. Gentíle ánima. Gentíli Anime. Felíce huómo. Felíci huómini. Felíce dónna. Felice dónne, &c.
Note that theſe two Adiectiue, Sánto and Grande, are diuerſly vſed in the Italian tongue; for, before conſonants they looſe the laſt ſillable To and De, and ſay and write Grán and Sán, both in the ſingular and plurall number, as thus, Grán fuóco. Grán fuóchi. Grán calóre. Grán calóri. Sán Páolo. Sán Francéſco. whereas before vowels they are written at large, and ſometimes apoſtrophed, as thus, Gránde amóre. Grándi amóri. Sánto Andrea. S'ant' Andrea.
Note that taking any Adiectiue of the Feminine gender, and adding Ménte vnto it. You may frame any Aduerbe of quality or order, as Amára. Amaraménte. Furióſa. Furioſaménte. Cortéſe. Corteſeménte. Dólce. Dolceménte. &c. and if you will frame or expreſſe any ſuperlatiue degree, as we doe in Engliſh by adding Very or Most vnto any Adiectiue, ſo looſing the laſt vowell of any Italian Adiectiue, and putting Iſſimo vnto the ſame, you make the ſuperlatiue as Amatíſſimo. Furiosíſſimo. Cortesíſſimo. Dolcíſſimo. &c. and ſo conſequently if you will expreſſe any Aduerbe of quality ſuperlatiuely, change Iſſimo into Iſſimaménte, as thus, Amariſsimaménte. Furioſiſsimaménte. Corteſiſsimaménte. Dolciſsimaménte. And ſo of all the rest.
Note that taking any Noune ſubſtantiue, whether Latin or Italian, you may thereof at your pleaſure frame his Adiectiue either Actiue or Paſsiue (be it lawfull for me to vſe theſe words:) to frame the first make your ſubſtantiue to end in O. and put So vnto it, as Amóre, Amorólo, Biſógno, Biſognólo, Gúſto, Guſtóſo, Fórza, Forzóſo, Paúra, Pauróſo, Terra, Terróſo, &c. which termination implyeth euer the quality or fulneſſe of the ſubſtantiue. To frame the ſecond, make your ſubſtantiue to end in E. and put Vole vnto it, as Amoréuole, Biſognéuole, Guſtéuole, Honoréuole, Lodéuole, Pauréuole, &c. You may alſo in ſteede of Vole vſe Bile; but then the ſubſtantiue muſt end in A. and ſay, Amicábile, Biaſimábile, Guſtábile, Laudábile, Tolerábile, &c. From all which taking away the last vowell, and adding Ménte vnto the rest, you frame of them Aduerbs of quality, as is before ſaid, as thus, Amicheuolménte, Biaſimabilménte, Laudabilménte, Guſteuolménte, Honoreuolménte, Tolerabilménte, &c. Amoroſaménte, Guſtoſaménte, &c.